Monday, March 23, 2015

Celebrating South Carolina Day

March 18th was South Carolina Day, in honor of John C. Calhoun's birthday.  In all classrooms across the state, students learned about South Carolina.

In one third grade classroom, the students independently researched South Carolina on the CultureGrams website during the reading lesson.  The teacher had posted the link in Edmodo and the students accessed the South Carolina page from the States Edition section of the website with his/her iPad.  

Then during writing, the students used his or her research to create a digital project about South Carolina.  The students were to showcase five facts about South Carolina for the second graders in either Book Creator or Explain Everything.

In a second grade classroom, the class read the book P is for Palmetto for the interactive read aloud for the day.  Then students created a Popplet with pictures and sentences about different SC symbols. The students posted his or her Popplet to the class Padlet wall.  The teacher had created a QR code to help students access the padlet site.  Then they shared their Popplets with the class from the Promethean Board.

Saturday, March 7, 2015

Celebrating Dr. Seuss

This week we celebrated Dr. Seuss' books all week in honor of his birthday and NEA's Read Across America project.  The interactive read alouds all week focused on different Dr. Seuss books.  For a culminating project at the end of the week, teachers wanted to integrate an iPad project.  We had the students use the Doodle Buddy, a free drawing app, to draw his or her favorite Dr. Seuss character.  Then the students used their pictures in ChatterPix Kids to have the character come to life.  The students explained which character was their favorite and why.