Saturday, March 3, 2012

Dr. Seuss Fun

Friday was Dr. Seuss's birthday.  
We celebrated his life with many fun activities!  To begin we all created our own Dr. Seuss hat to wear for the day.  Then we listened to The Cat in the Hat read by Justin Beiber.  This was a huge hit with the kids. Then we had a Red Fish, Blue Fish style math as we tallied, graphed, and made patterns with our colored goldfish.
Everyone brought in his/her favorite Dr. Seuss book.
We had a blast buddy reading these around the room.
We listed to Green Eggs and Ham read by Tim Tebow and had a green eggs and ham inspired snack.  The students enjoyed creating their own green eggs and ham out of a marshmallow, pretzel sticks, and a green skittle.  Yummy!  We, of course, drank Seuss punch with our snack.
I took LOTS of pictures.  So, here's a video of our day!

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