Sunday, January 19, 2014

Equality of Equations on the iPads

We have been working on equality of equations in math, CCSS 1.OA.D.7 - understand the meaning of the equal sign, and determine if equations involving addition and subtraction are true or false.  I created a QR code task card activity for my students to use in practicing this skill.  My students love everything about QR codes. I had the early finishers create their own equations for everyone else to solve for equality on the iPads.  Here are some of the student created equations.
 We used the Doodle Buddy app to create our equations and saved them to the camera roll.  They submitted their finished products to me in the Showbie App.

A few students decided to use the PicCollage app to create their equations.

Then I had a few students who decided they wanted to add their voice to their equations.  They uploaded their equations into the Explain Everything app and the Tellagami app.

From the Showbie App, I uploaded the student made equations to Dropbox.  Then I created a QR code that linked to each problem.  We used the student created equations to practice this skill again. 
The students LOVED solving the problems created by themselves and their own classmates.  
This activity was a huge hit that we will be repeating!  My students were totally able to create the problems for our task cards.  Why didn't I think of this before?!
To download a copy of our student made QR code equality of equations task cards click the picture below.


  1. This activity is absolutely precious! Thank you so much for sharing :)
    The Techie Teacher

  2. Thanks so much for this idea! I have been using equality with my students for my CGI class (Cognitive Guided Instruction), but love QR codes to go with it. Keep the technology ideas coming!!
    Thanks Jackie
