Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Proper Noun Hunt

We have been learning about proper nouns in writing.  This week we had a proper noun hunt through our biographies and weekly reader magazines.  We used our magnifying glass to spot some proper nouns.  Then we chose a few to record on our sheet, remembering to use a capital letter.  The students LOVED this activity!
 Benjamin hunted proper nouns in a Benjamin Franklin biography, of course!

 Trevor found Dr. Seuss!

 Taylor found Roosevelt.

 David found some proper nouns.

 Elijah was excited to hunt for proper nouns about Jackie Robinson.

 Elias found Native Americans.

 Jackson found proper nouns in a Franklin D. Roosevelt biography.

Ryland found proper nouns in the Christopher Columbus biography.

 Lynli found proper nouns about our president.

Lynli recorded the president's whole family - Michelle, Sasha, Malia, and Barack Obama - as her proper nouns.

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